
Check out some of our success stories, events, exhibitions at fairs and much more!

Design and development of a new automotive seat

Téciman collaborates in the design and development of a new seat for a leading automotive client. We provide a project team for the perimeter (...)

News about CMMs in Germany

Téciman attends the LK Group distributors convention held in Stuttgart (Germany) to present new developments in the field of (...)

Success in the construction of a high-speed line

Téciman is collaborating in the construction of a high-speed line in Asturias, providing technical office management, quality and environmental management of the superstructure. (...)

ENAC Calibration of CMMs in Morocco

Téciman travels to Morocco to carry out the ENAC calibration of various coordinate measuring machines (CMM) for companies in the automotive and aerospace sectors. (...)

New FEM calculation project for a frame

Téciman is developing a finite element calculation project for a frame for an engineering company specialising in the design of metal structures. The company requires (...)

Reverse engineering of a wind turbine component in Italy

Téciman travels to Italy for Reverse Engineering work on a large component of a wind turbine. The company needs to manufacture a (...)

Implementation of a Quality Plan in Southeast Asia

Téciman moves to Southeast Asia for the transfer and implementation of the Quality Plan with a European leader in plastic and decorative parts for (...)

Calibration Laboratory Accredited by ENAC for MMC

Téciman is a calibration laboratory for Coordinate Measuring Machines (MMC) accredited by ENAC. It is recommended to calibrate the CMMs every 12 months, according to (...)

New BIW project for automotive sheet metal parts

Téciman coordinates and executes a BIW (Body In White) project of sheet metal parts for a leading company in the automotive sector, integrating our (...)