New BIW project for automotive sheet metal parts


Teciman coordinates and executes a BIW project (Body In White) of sheet metal parts for a leading company in the sector automotive integrating our engineers into the client's team.

Teciman provides the client with its capabilities in project management and product engineering to complete its technical team, as it requires urgent resources to launch and develop the project, meeting the final client's tight schedule.

The BIW perimeter gate project begins with the design and product development where design proposals, product simulations... are made using tools such as CATIA V5. Then the simulations, both from the vibrations with ANSYS, such as dies with AUTOFORM.

Once the design has been defined and the simulations have been carried out, the product is frozen and is being prepared Cargo Log (CDC). Where all welding and assembly tools and control models are nominated.
The Téciman engineering team also performs the manufacturing tracking of welding and assembly lines, provides technical assistance for the alignment of offers from all suppliers….
In this phase, all the tools (prototypes, first pre-series, etc.) are provisionally received at the suppliers' premises.

Finally, Téciman moves to the production plants of the customer near the OEM (VW Group) in the Czech Republic. Where the manufacturing lines are assembled and integrated with the current ones, program robots and PLCs…and the fine-tuning and balancing of all manufacturing lines is carried out until the product’s serial life (SOP+3).

This collaboration demonstrates the equipment viability formed by external and internal engineers (client structure). And in this case, it was coordinated by a Téciman Project Manager. Given the good results of the work, we are already in the process of working on a future vehicle interior project.

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