Chameleon Electronics: the revolution in Three-Dimensional support

chameleon electronics retrofit pcdmis mcosmos teciman

Before talking about Chameleon electronics, a little context. The Machines Coordinate Measurement, CMM in English, are high-precision equipment that measures the geometries of physical objects. They use a probing system to detect discrete points on the surface of objects.

The appearance of these machines was a breakthrough in 3D measurement, especially in industry and manufacturing, as we already explained in a previous article «Evolution of Three-Dimensional Measuring Machines«.

However, there were some problems that limited the optimization of these machines in the work environment. Like for example, the lack of spare parts for older models or dependence on the manufacturer for any machine repair and support.


MMC repair: specialized companies vs multinationals

Often, faced with a lack of spare parts or small incidents, the manufacturer's only option is to recommend the purchase of a new machine. However, companies like Teciman collaborate with market leaders to offer discontinued spare parts and extend the useful life of machines, contributing to the client's financial savings and its sustainability.

But dependence on the manufacturer has always been the great handicap of this measuring equipment. And it is mainly due to the fact that they are multinationals that do not have fast customer service.

In this context where many companies suffer long waiting periods with machines stopped and notable drops in their productivity, take on special importance companies specialized in Retrofit, Maintenance and Calibration of these measuring equipment. That, unlike manufacturers, provide a fast and flexible customer service and support.


Chameleon Electronics: comprehensive support regardless of software

Chameleon electronics have revolutionized the industry, ending dependence on the manufacturer.

As its name indicates, it is compatible with the software version of any machine, adapting to it just like a chameleon changing color.

chameleon electronics

That is, specialized companies can operate on any three-dimensional machine.  without the need to update the license or change the software. They install it and that's it.


5 Advantages of Chameleon electronics

  1. No need to update the license
  2. No need to change software: PC-DMIS, MCosmos, TouchDmis…
  3. Dependency on the manufacturer is reduced
  4. Long waiting times are eliminated
  5. Facilitates the operation


Téciman and the Retrofit of Coordinate Measuring Machines

Téciman updates any MMC on the market to the latest level, both in hardware and software and With 1 year of guarantee.

From software-only updates to the complete reconstruction of machinery, including the replacement and adjustment of mechanical and pneumatic elements.

Through electronics Chameleon, he retrofit is software independentPC-DMIS, MCosmos, TouchDmis…

Types retrofits

  • Extensive catalog of discontinued electronic spare parts:ccontrols, power supplies, cards, bases, encoders...
  • Complete stock of other spare parts: ccounterweight cylinder, transmission belts, pneumatic skids, motors...
  • New controls 100% compatible with the software version of any machine
  • Update of software and complete rebuild of machinery.
  • Replacement, modernization and adjustment of mechanical and pneumatic elements; fundamental for good geometry of the CMM.
  • Complete rewiring of the three-dimensional machine. Replacement of reading rules and probes.
  • Review and adjustment of servomotors and CNC controllers.
  • Update and enhancement of probing system, with continuous scanning and/or digitization technology.


  • Metrologic Group
  • Renishaw
  • Pantec
  • Chameleon


In Teciman we offer a comprehensive support, also where the manufacturer does not reach. For more information consult our website (, call us at 947 20 91 41 or send an email to Follow us on LinkedIn to find out all the news.

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