This summer Téciman travels to Africa


Teciman travels to Africa to collaborate on a Project for the evaluation and optimization of production processes for a company of chemical and mining sector.

The client comes to Teciman for two reasons. The first, because it requires a Team of Engineers with special and specific capabilities that meet the technical requirements of the project. And the second, by the important component of travel and complicated places.

He Teciman engineering team performs the auditing, analysis, supervision and optimization of production processes “on site”, the exact location is in Zambia. Specialized engineers also develop the start-up of the new facilities and the training of the staff in Continuous Improvement.

Our engineers deployed to Zambia say that “EThe project and the relationship with the client were extraordinary and with very positive feedback.”. Although it is true that this type of collaboration has its share of controversies, such as access to the location (pre-trip arrangements and flight times), internal travel within the country…

In this case, it is about A recurring client who trusts TecimanThis is due to the numerous collaborations carried out and the results of our technicians, who in some cases have become internal staff in their structure due to their proven worth.

This collaboration, where Téciman travels to Africa, is a clear example of the company's mobility and flexibility capabilities.

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