Equator What is it and what advantages does it provide?

Equator -industrial aqutomatization

What is the Equator?

Equator it's a dimensional control system by comparison for workshop. This caliber stands out for its ability to control the manufacturing process of large series of parts through a high repeatability and speed comparison, from a reference standard. Is very versatile and reprogrammable for use in the workshop.


Why was this caliber born?

The Equator was created out of the need for a new method of process control in the workshop, in line with all the advances that are taking place in production. And gauges have been used for workshop inspection for decades, for example: manual gauges, pass/no-go gauges or buffer-type gauges.

The Equator system is designed to provide speed, repeatability and ease of use in manual or automatic applications, which is why hundreds of manufacturers around the world are changing their gauge systems and hand tools for Equator systems.


7 advantages of the Equator system

7 benefits of process control in the workshop with this system:

  1. Reduces part rejection: Thanks to its speed, this system allows customers to go from a sampling inspection to a 100% inspection of parts, considerably improving the capacity of the processes. And with the Process Monitor feature, the operator can view inspection results in tables and graphs in real time, so they can correct processes before rejectable parts are produced.
  2. Reduce bottlenecks- Due to the Equator's versatility, part changeover is fast with shorter cycle times. The thermal insensitivity and ease of use of the system allow the operator to save time by inspecting parts directly in the workshop.
  3. Low maintenance cost: It is a reprogrammable system, so there is no need to invest in expensive rework or custom gauges to inspect modified or new parts.
  4. Easy automation- Many Equator gauge applications are integrated into automatic cells. Teciman It has the ability to perform complete integration into the client's production line.
  5. Thermally insensitive- This gauge has the ability to measure parts quickly and accurately in the shop, rather than in a temperature-controlled environment.
  6. Versatile- is intended for a design and manufacturing environment, where frequent improvements are made to parts.
  7. Reprogrammable- In applications that produce different runs of parts every few weeks, Equator excels with its ability to quickly change a part.


Integration of the Equator into the production line – Téciman

At Téciman we offer the Equator as Channel Partner of Renishaw. And we also carry out the full integration on the production line through Industrial Automation unit. Including all associated engineering: design and development, programmingfacility and start up.
  • We provide a solution to how to automatically power the system.
  • We design and manufacture the necessary tools.
  • We program the PLC, robot and the Equator itself.
  • We assemble and install on the client's production line, with the corresponding tests and validations.


In Teciman We work to provide our clients with tools to manage their facilities in a close and friendly way. For more information about the Equator or other measurement systems, write to us at teciman@teciman.com or call us 947 20 91 41. Also ask us about our Industrial Automation capacity.

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