Do you know the new Industry 4.0 aid?


From Teciman we encourage you to acquire metrology systems and benefit from the aid available. Contact us to fit the investment into the aid program.

Aid with open term: 


He Support Fund for Productive Industrial Investment (FAIIP), promoted by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and managed by the public company SEPIDES, has the purpose of providing returnable financial support to promote industrial investments that contribute to improve development, competitiveness and industrial capabilities of the industrial sector.

Endowed with 1.8 billion euros for investment, the FAIIP finances private commercial companies and cooperatives that develop or are going to develop productive industrial activity and industrial services. 

Lines of action:
  1. Creation of industrial establishments
  2. Transfer of industrial establishments
  3. Improvements and/or modifications of production lines and processes. Téciman contributes his Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM) with advanced metrology software and integrated measurement systems in production lines, for the modernization of these lines or the implementation of new ones.

Access to information from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism

Renew Industry 4.0

Aid program for acquisition of new machinery and advanced equipment endowed with €8M. Focused on extractive, productive, transforming and technical services industrial SMEs (linked to the product-process) with the condition that the center where the equipment is installed must be in the Basque Country.

This aid includes the acquisition of advanced machinery (Software and Hardware) intended for the implementation of Industry 4.0 projects. Téciman has Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM) with advanced metrology software for the statistical control of processes that include the matters named below.

The machines must be related to:

  • Big Data and Advanced Analytics
  • Additive Manufacturing Projects
  • Advanced and Collaborative Robotics Projects
  • IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) Projects
  • Artificial Intelligence projects aimed at the industrial environment
  • Incorporation of Machine Learning or Deep Learning techniques in the industrial environment.
  • Cyber-physical systems projects that incorporate components
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Projects
  • Digital Twins Projects

Who is it addressed to?

Projects of more than 50,000, where consulting services may not exceed the 25% budget. The acquired elements (Hardware and Software) must be delivered and put into operation as of January 1, 2023 and within 12 months following the request.

Access to SPRI information


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