News about CMMs in Germany


Teciman go to the convention of LK Group distributors held in Stuttgart (Germany) for the presentation of new advances in the field of coordinate measuring machines (MMC) along with Coord3 and TouchDMIS.

At this meeting, the new products that they seek were shown enhance the versatility of the three-dimensional machinesSome of the new technologies that Coord3 coordinate measuring machines can incorporate are: a 2D vision measurement system, a roughness tester and a new high-precision and high-resolution blue laser scanner.

Téciman also attended the fair Control 2023 in Stuttgart together with its partners: Coord3 and their MMC and TouchDMIS running in caliber Equator of RenishawAt the event we learned about all the latest technical developments in the sector and were able to meet with partners, colleagues and friends.

Téciman has a wide catalogue of coordinate measuring machines (MMC). In addition to various accessories and the main ones software of the market.

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