ENAC - TECIMAN Accreditation

ENAC accredits Teciman International SL to act as a Calibration Laboratory for three-dimensional (3D) measuring machines. The accreditation took place on September 6, 2018 and the company number is the following: nº249/LC10.211.

The scope of our accreditation is available on the website of ENAC. Below is the direct link to the document:  https://www.enac.es/documents/7020/ce413a68-4cc2-41f3-8bf7-e9e88c54d179

Téciman has been providing calibration services for 20 years and this distinction as an ENAC laboratory undoubtedly represents a great leap forward. Now the maintenance, repair and calibration of three-dimensional (3D) measuring machines will be a comprehensive service that we offer with the highest quality and guarantee.

The terms of accreditation can be consulted in the technical annex available on the website of ENAC

Thank you for trusting us.

ENAC accreditation is the internationally established tool for generating confidence in the correct execution of a certain type of activities. These activities are called "Conformity Assessment Activities". They include testing, calibration, inspection, certification and verification, among others. In general, any activity that aims to assess whether a product, service, system, installation, etc., complies with certain requirements may be subject to accreditation. Requirements that may be established by law or specified in standards, specifications or other voluntary documents.
The value of conformity assessment activities depends largely on the credibility of the assessors who carry them out. It also depends on the trust that the market and society in general have in them. To achieve this trust and credibility, it is necessary to establish an independent, rigorous and comprehensive mechanism that guarantees the technical competence of these assessors and their adherence to international standards. And that is exactly what accreditation is all about. Source: ENAC.

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