Téciman collaborates in the “Achievements and Challenges” Congress of the Burgos Autism Association

Autism Burgos - Téciman

Téciman collaborates in the International Congress «Achievements and Challenges» promoting the dissemination and awareness of autism together with Burgos Autism Association.

The Burgos Autism Association is a non-profit entity promoted by relatives of people with autism spectrum disorders.

Its purpose is to improve the quality of life and promote the effective exercise of the rights of these people and their families in the province of Burgos.

The “Achievements and Challenges” Congress commemorates the 40th anniversary of the association. We had the pleasure of listening to leading professionals speak about the future of people with autism. Also about health trajectories, cognition, quality of life and supports for these people.

From Téciman we want to express our most sincere gratitude to the Burgos Autism Association for the valuable visibility work that are making. Their dedication and effort are essential to increasing awareness and understanding of autism in society.

We are deeply aware of and committed to these causes, supporting initiatives that promote the inclusion and well-being of people with autism.

For example, every year at Christmas they design original greeting cards that we share with colleagues, family and friends.



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