Comprehensive management of internal calibration laboratory

internal calibration laboratory teciman

In a sector as demanding as the automotive industry, where precision and quality are essential elements, having an efficient calibration system can make all the difference.

Challenge: Implement a Calibration Plan in the Laboratory

The client faces a challenge: implementing a Calibration Plan with strict specifications imposed by headquarters. However, the company does not have the internal resources necessary to carry out this project.

Audit and Action Plan

Our technical team, led by an expert consultant in Regulations and Calibration Management Systems, travels to the client's facilities to carry out a in-depth analysis of the current state of the Calibration Laboratory.

This initial step allows for the identification of areas for improvement and the contextualization of the client's specific needs. Based on this assessment, a Complete Action Plan which includes:

  • Procedure Update: Adaptation of laboratory methods and protocols to regulatory requirements and headquarters guidelines.
  • Equipment Acquisition: Incorporation of cutting-edge technology to ensure accurate and reliable measurements.
  • Calibration Schedule: Establishing an efficient schedule to ensure proper operation of the equipment.
  • Technical Training: Specialized training of laboratory staff, ensuring that they can operate with new quality standards.

Complete monitoring and resolution of incidents in the Laboratory

Once the Calibration Plan has been implemented, Téciman continuously monitors the process. Among other things, it resolves incidents and provides assistance during external audits. The result is a fully optimized laboratory, capable of meeting the strict standards of the automotive industry.

Added value: beyond calibration

In addition to managing the Calibration Plan, Téciman provides extra value to the client by carrying out:

  • 3D measurements: advanced measurement and reporting that provided critical data for quality control.
  • Calibration: part of equipment calibrations, ensuring accurate and consistent results.


For more information about our capabilities call us at 947 20 91 41 or send us an email to Follow us on LinkedIn to find out all the news.

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