The precision of 3D metrology makes it possible to locate the fault in a generator

Generator - Production Line

Téciman helps a customer check critical component dimensions of a generator that is giving problems. This company prefers to rely on the accuracy of the metrology and confirm where the fault is before making a claim to the supplier.

They suspected that a part in question did not have the precise measurements according to the tolerances it should have. In these components, each part must be measured with great precision because, due to wear, the entire mechanism can become unbalanced if they are not properly adjusted. Our client sent us various parts to be measured in our facilities with high-precision three-dimensional measuring machines calibrated with ENAC certificationThe measurements of the suspicious element and the adjacent parts that make up the entire subsystem with problems were checked.

Teciman confirmed the client's suspicion: The measurements of one of the pieces were not within the required tolerances.

Once the fault was detected, a report was prepared stating that the tolerances of the element did not match those detailed in the drawing. Therefore, the client only had to go to the supplier, report in hand, with the certainty that he was responsible for the problems that the generator was causing.

In this way, both our client and their supplier saved time and discussions regarding responsibility for the failure and its solution. The conviction on both sides of a job well done by Téciman facilitated a good outcome.

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